HELLO! this is a website for people that want to play and share imovie. this is imovie club. we hope that you will have lots of fun playing and going to the events. do you want to see all the fun events and when they are then go to the events calender.

please if you want to let us know about our trailor or project that is on the imovie app then contact us about it on the contact us page and you cn find and ask anything you like about this website and we will awnser whatever it is that you want to know about. and f it is really intresting and we have't already put it up on the website then we might do that.




the imovie club team


We hope that you will come and join us if you want to comment or see other comments then go to guestbook.

If you want to see if there are any events you might want to come to then go to the events calender.